Author: john

WordPress block scripts loading on all pages

Having trouble with WordPress blocks loading on all pages of your site? I was, Fortunately @wp_acf were able to point me in the right direction. The hook you need is should_load_seperate_core_block_assets. Yes that is an interesting hook name. Add that to your functions file to load scripts only on the pages your block has been… Read more »


Simple HTML

Mari Simon had a great tweet the other day about nothing but HTML, no CSS or JavaScript goodies. Just good old HTML. I wanted to see the results of the HTML, so here it is. Colour Picker HTML Result Pick a color Progress Bar HTML Result File progress: 70% Meter Tag HTML Result at 50/100… Read more »

Blog, Repost

Jenna Meade

Screenshot of the homepage

Website: design, develop, deploy, optimise, seo-setup Design Jen has been well established as a journalist for years now, yet never had a home to collate all those years worth of writing. Until now! We sat down and went over everything, and I mean everything. Then we stood back and took a minimalist approach, basically stripping… Read more »

Case Study

Emma Power

As a teacher, writer and speaker Emma had a simple request for her website – “simple and easy to navigate”.

Case Study

Sunny Copy

Website: sunnycopy.comServices: branding, design, develop, deploy, optimisation Sunny Copy is the brainchild of Jenna Meade; a copywriting freelancer targeting other creatives. Words being the focus for her work and brand, we agreed on a simple design not only for the website but logo too, conveying her message in a minimal manner. Using a single page static website… Read more »

Case Study